Sunay Erdem
Erdem Architects

landscape architects
holistic perspective


If you ask who designs the landscape best; I think all living creatures in nature except humans. They are more successful than us. They determine their own habitats without harming our planet. We humans, on the other hand, destroy the heavenly piece of earth by concreting it and then try to beautify it with "landscape".


Living things on earth determine or create living environments for themselves. Birds build nests for themselves, ants build underground city colonies, bees build beehives, and humans build cities. But if you ask who designs the landscape best; I think all living creatures in nature except humans. They are more successful than us. The bird does not harm the tree while making its nest, the ants do not damage the soil while they settle under the ground, on the contrary, it ventilates the soil, the bees use the geometry in the best way while making their hives and honeycombs and they do not harm the environment. In short, they determine their own habitats without harming our planet.

When people think of landscape, only green and vegetation come to mind, whereas landscape is the whole of the physical environment.

We humans, on the other hand, destroy the heavenly piece of earth by concreting it and then try to beautify it with “landscape”. I’m in favor of treating rather than beautifying. I would like to treat a sick city rather than beautify it by creating green spaces to breathe. I do not want to look cocky, but I want to see myself more like a nature doctor.

the integrity of architecture and landscape

If I continue to illustrate with medicine; architects are surgeons, we landscape architects are cardiologists. While surgeons treat all of our organs, as landscape architects we focus on the most important organ, the heart. Therefore, there is a natural integrity. Actually, there is architecture in the landscape. An amphitheater, ornamental pool, pond, pergola, sitting unit, in short, everything that comes to mind as an outdoor element has an architecture. Therefore, a landscape architect is also involved in architecture. I think integrity comes naturally, when people think of landscape, only green and vegetation come to mind, whereas landscape is the whole of the physical environment.

successful examples

Central Park and similar ones. Because these are green and also brave areas that have not bowed to the economic pressures of the cities. Think about it, there are only trees and greenery in these areas that cost millions of dollars per square meter. It’s so hard to believe. A successful example for me is not the elegant and flamboyant landscape of a shopping mall or the artificial green space that surrounds a residence; on the contrary, it is a huge green area that is as simple as possible but defies the city with its size. This can be a pasture, a meadow or even a crop field.